Saturday, August 11, 2012

Catch Up On Your Reading and SHARE the link ... Summer is Almost Over!

School is about to start and I'm busy getting ready to send kids off to school and teach some at home.  Lots of people are reading our blog, but many tell me that they are behind at least a few entries.  The logical part of me (and the one that wants to justify why it is good I can't post for a few more days)  thinks this is the perfect time to take a few more days off from posting new entries and simply send out a reminder to continue reading!

Also,  every time you Share a Link to our blog - a few more people are reached.  I know Heather's words help so many hurting people and I want this blog to spread to more people.

And for those of you who continue to ask when I'm going to write a book - I have recently learned that  because the internet and social media have made it possible for individuals to speak to the world,  prospective authors must prove that they have readers BEFORE a publisher is interested.  In my case, the more hits on my blog page each day, the better chance I have of getting a publisher's attention.

So, read to catch up and share the links...

Thanks for following our lives.

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