Thursday, February 7, 2013

Heather's Journal #78. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds." June 6, 2008

“Lucy in the sky with diamonds.” Elton John
June 6, 2008

Why is this world so broken?  It’s like… the very sec. you think you’ve seen the worst parts of this world, you’re introduced to more… that’s deeper than what you thought you knew. 

I’m just so confused.  How can I have had it so good & not even noticed it?  God has held tight to me because he knew I’d be the one who would be left so broken.  I couldn’t find the energy to even stumble back.

I feel like the start of this summer, I’ve drifted from God a lil bit.  And it’s only been a few days, now that I’m realizing this… it feels so much longer than just a few days. 

*Deep breath *  Sheesh. 

I don’t even know what to say.  God is so real how they can they say no to Him?!?  WHAT WILL THEY LOSE?!?!

I will strive to be better,
In Christ,
Heather Lee

Dear Heather,

Why is the world so broken? You may mean that rhetorically, but I want to think about the answer.  Bear with me.

That’s both easy and difficult to answer. 

The world is broken because God created perfection in the Garden of Eden.  He created  Adam first and then decided it wasn’t good for him to be alone.  So he made Eve.  God gave them power and dominion over the earth and all its creatures.  They could have anything they wanted – except for the apples from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  You would think that they could handle that one rule!

Oh, and here is the important part.  God also gave Adam and Eve free will – the ability to choose for themselves.  He could have made us robots – all pre-programmed to obey His every command, but He gave us brains and thoughts and abilities and desires and let us decide for ourselves.  Worship means a lot more from a willing person than from a robot.

So, they were given a choice and they didn’t obey God.  A serpent came along and tempted them, saying that if God was so good why was he trying to keep the truth from them.  He suggested that they were wise enough to make their own decisions.  And – so the story goes  - Eve kind of helped Adam decide to go ahead and try the apple. 

I suspect God had that one rule because Adam and Eve weren’t yet ready for the Truth that could be found in the fruit of that tree. He was protecting them.  But the serpent convinced Adam and Eve to disobey God. 

We call that first sin the “Fall of Man.” We call it that because after that moment, Paradise in the Garden of Eden no longer existed as God intended it.  Men now had to toil and labor for their needs.  Woman would have pain in childbirth.  Paradise was no longer free and easy like God planned.

So, the simple answer is that the world is broken because of Adam and Eve.  But the more complex answer – in simple words – is that we now live in a world where each person is looking after their own interests and battling their own desires with those of God.  Satan (the serpent in the story) was given control over the earth and man was given the freedom to choose.  The result is really messy. 

We quickly learned we could not do it alone.  We needed a Savior.  And God provided one.  Jesus.

And that’s the basic story and the answer to your question.  It isn’t fun.  But it is the truth.

As for you personally – it seems that you are learning to recognize your tendency to stray from God more quickly than you used to.  That is good.  Being aware is half the battle.  Sometimes, things are easy and maybe there isn’t enough accountability and you begin to stray without noticing until it is too late to easily get back on track.  Stay aware and in tune to your thoughts and feelings.

Sometimes, I can’t imagine not believing in God.  Sometimes, I can’t imagine why I do.  But God is not afraid of our thoughts.  He is not afraid for us to questions Him.  And in the end, when I finish asking questions and examining my doubts  -- again -- I find that my heart won’t allow my mind to take over for too long.  I can’t help but believe. 

I love you.

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