Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Heather's Journal #37. No Title. 12-27-07

No Title

I got a kitten 4 Christmas!  OMG – I’m so xcited!  I have 2 wait 2 adopt her after New Year’s though.  I’m gonna name her Lola Bella Rose.  Lol.  Yes – I’m serious.  But I’m super sleepy so that’s all I really have 2 say.

Happy New Year!

* I will strive 2 be better*
In Christ,
Heather Marie Lee


I can’t wait to help you find the perfect kitten.  Believe it or not there was not a single kitten at the shelters or in the paper at Christmas time. Ironically, there were plenty of adult cats.

I guess most people find it easier to fall in love with a cute little innocent-looking kitten.  But I have always been attracted to the older kittens and cats.  I feel the same about children.  I love to LOOK at the cute ones, but I feel the need to adopt the ones that might otherwise be left behind.  I have always had a slightly rebellious nature - rebelling against the norm at least. That's exactly how I got you!

I know that you have your heart set on a cute little kitten that will cuddle with you and grow up in your presence, can I offer a little advice from a mom and a fellow cat lover?

Open your heart to the possibilities of loving an older kitten or cat. Not only does it serve a greater purpose, but selfishly, I have learned that the best way to know the personality of a cat is to adopt one that is about 7-10 months old. Some cats are naturally "people-cats." The alternative is a cat who says, "Excuse me, but you are invading my personal space... and while you are moving out of my way would you mind getting my food and water in my bowl, NOW!"

You want a companion - which means you want a people loving cat.  Here's my trick:  Pick up a new cat that is at least 6 months old.  At that age, if you can pick her up, cradle her like a baby and rub her tummy without her jumping out of your arms – you will have a laid back “people person” cat that will let you snuggle and play. This method has never failed me.  

We will search high and low until we find Lola Bella Rose.  But  take your time and find the right match for you.  This is a long-term relationship. :-)

I love you.

Postscript:  As promised, I found Lola Bella Rose - in Mississippi!  I was traveling with two of my older children for a speech and debate tournament and we stopped in Laurel to visit some friends.  They happen to have kittens, but they were all spoken for.  They had a friend who had rescued about 50 cats after Katrina and some of them had kittens.

We drove the 30 minutes to her house and she pointed out 3 cute little kittens about 3-months-old.  But these cute little fur balls would have nothing to do with me - ultimately jumping a fence and then getting stuck in a tree!  

But it didn't matter because my eyes were on another feline that looked to be about 8-months-old.  This small cat was relaxing on the trampoline in the midst of all the chaos associated with me trying to chase down the kittens I thought Heather wanted.

When the kittens climbed the tree, I headed toward the trampoline.  Sure enough, I walked right over to this older kitten and she stood and nudged against my hand.  I picked her up, flipped her over and started rubbing her tummy.  She started to purr and relaxed.  

I couldn't get to the phone fast enough.  Excitedly, I told Heather that she HAD to trust me.  I was absolutely, positively sure that I had found Lola Bella Rose. She wasn't a baby kitten, but she was adorable and small for her age. 

Reluctantly, Heather agreed to try an older kitten, but only because I said I would keep her if she didn't like her. I wasn't letting this cat get away.

Heather loved Lola and kept her in her bedroom - litter box and all.  She dressed her in princess clothes and they bonded instantly - although Heather quickly learned that Lola was a night owl that woke her often!

After Heather died, my husband took over Lola's care.  He put her princess pillow on his desk and her litter box in his office.  He even cut a cat door into his office so Lola could come and go as she pleased.  He treated Lola much like he had treated Heather - like a princess.

Lola was the comfort for my husband's grief like Heather's journals were for me. Every night, Lola sleeps in our bed - usually on top of my husband.  When he shifts, she shifts too.  It is quite the sight to watch their little dance.  When he pushes her away, she comes to sleep on me.  

Which, ironically, is much the way my husband and I handled Heather.  When one of us was frustrated, the other person stepped in to play the good guy.

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